Friday, July 17, 2009

Random Thoughts....PART 3


I am sharing this next series of random thoughts because not only are they important to me, but because i want to quietly share what I consider to be a miracle...
Toward the end of May, I was sitting on my love seat at home. I was home with a severe case of laryngitis...I received a message saying that I had a flirt on my profile on the singles site. When I read the flirt, it was not the usual one... It said "You made my day..." Please see my message to you..So, I read his message... It said "I have read your profile and I think it is incredible. I also think you are gorgeous...stunning even." Of course, by the time I read those words, I knew this guy was some sort of nut case.. Because I tend to be belligerent with people when I do not feel good, I sent James an email back asking him to check a couple of things for me... #1= his age (he is 48) and #2 HIS EYESIGHT !! He immediately sent an email back that said that age was just a number and that after checking, double checking and triple checking his vision, it was just fine--and I needed to move on from there.
Thus began what continues today a wonderful, developing relationship between James and myself. Two days after our first contact, he flew to New York to present a proposal for an international building project- 12 12 story hotels on the island of Cyprus. He felt he stood a good chance of getting the project for a couple of reasons... He is half European and he has been in the construction business for over 20 years. Long story short... out of 26 presenters, he was awarded the contract. He had to be in Cyprus 3 days after winning the contract. So, he has been in Cyprus since the first week of June. So, NO, we have not met in person yet... NOW... STOP RIGHT HERE IF YOU ARE THINKING OF JUDGING MY ACTIONS OR EVEN HIS...

I say those words because I tired of people presuming that I have not thought out, prayed about, talked out with trusted people, prayed about and prayed about this situation. There are a hundred reasons I could list, but won't why I continuing a relationship with James...It is even blossoming into one that is quite special...on both of our parts... I look forward to meeting this special and unique person, That should happen around the first week of August... If it doesn't it wont be because of a lack of effort on both of our parts. Do I know exactly what will happen with this relationship.. NO... Am I cautious.. yes, but have sought guidance from my Heavenly Father many times since "meeting" James... Have I examined what would be the worst that could happen in this situation... YES... He could be less than he appears to be and could end up breaking my heart... WAIT... that has already happened to me....and I survived.... OR, He could end up dying on me.. WAIT...that has already happened to me also... OR, HE could be an axe murderer and be intent of taking my life.... WAIT! if I am dead... I wont worry about how or who!! WHAT IS THE BEST THAT COULD HAPPEN IN THIS SITUATION.... I COULD MET A MAN WHO HAS THE POTENTIAL TO MAKE ME HAPPEN FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I know he does now. His project in Cyprus should take about a year. Just about the time I have left on my Specialist Degree....who knows what will happen...NO ONE! But I am continuing to take one day at a time and listening for guidance and trusting my feelings....isn't that what we are all supposed to be doing???

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